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I am an ecologist with an interest in the geospatial analysis and modelling of biodiversity and ecosystems. I am working as an Associate Professor of Quantitative Biodiversity at the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA), The Netherlands, where I lead the Biodiversity & Macroecology (BIOMAC) lab embedded in the Department Theoretical and Computational Ecology (TCE). I am also leading several tasks and work packages in national and international, multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary projects, including the analysis of bioacoustic monitoring data (TABMON), the development of workflows for generating habitat condition indicators from airborne LiDAR data (MAMBO), the modelling of important Arctic bird areas under climate change (NPP project from NWO), and the mobilization, integration and FAIRification of geospatial and ecological data for Digital Twins of ecosystems (LTER-LIFE).
My work often bridges from research pages, my publication list, or the BIOMAC lab homepage for more details.
quantitative compiled large geospatial, ecological and environmental datasets to study species distributions, trophic interactions, functional traits, ecosystem structure, ecosystem functioning and animal habitats across space and time. I take advantage of cutting-edge advances in computational methods, big data analytics, and remote sensing technologies to better understand the spatial distribution of life on Earth and how biodiversity and ecosystems are changing under global change. I am especially interested in the use of terrestrial, airborne and satellite remote sensing and ground-based digital sensor networks for measuring and monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem change, and in the development of automated data streams, high-throughput processing workflows and machine learning for biodiversity and ecosystem research. Please see my
Gonzalez et al. (2023): A Global Biodiversity Observing System to unite monitoring and guide action. Nature Ecology and Evolution. [ABSTRACT] [PRESS RELEASE]
Kissling, W.D. et al. (2024): Towards consistently measuring and monitoring habitat condition with airborne laser scanning and unmanned aerial vehicles. Ecological Indicators 169: 112970. [ABSTRACT] [DATA] [CODE]